

Need a quick {FREE} online profile or website?

Need a quick {FREE} online profile or website?

Are you an athlete, freelancer or entrepreneur looking to attract new opportunities ($$$$)?!   Figuring out a website can take time and money you might not have. Create your own FREE landing page to present who you are in one link. Be sure to add your bio, social media accounts and important links. Using About.Me, you’ll be able to have…read more →

How to setup an online registration and payment form

How to setup an online registration and payment form

{NOTE: As of February 1, 2018, JotForm has changed their pricing structure. You can only accept one payment per month with their free program. For projects with more than 10 payments per month, you’ll pay $39/month. I’ll update this post with alternative solutions shortly. There may be more affordable options for projects requiring 10+ payments per month.} Question: How do I…read more →
